Benefits of Going Solar with a Battery

Apr 29th 20

When going solar, most of our customers choose renewable energy over their utility company to save money. Choosing renewable energy is better for the environment and allows you to save in the long haul. We understand that going solar is a huge investment which is why we want to help show you the benefits of going solar with a home battery. Below are the many ways you can save when installing both solar and a backup battery.

Save on Your Electrical Bill: First, by going solar you can save on your energy bill during high usage months. Instead of paying those high energy costs to the utility company, buying solar and a battery will allow you to have a more consistent bill. When you install a backup battery with solar, you can schedule the times you would like to use the battery (like at night when your solar is not producing) to help you reduce your electric bill even more. For instance, your average utility bill throughout a 12-month period could be about $200. Whereas, with Infinity Energy you can get a solar system and battery for your home for as low as $99 per month.

Financing Solar and a Battery Could be Cheaper Than Your Utility Bill: By adding a battery to solar there are many financing options of going zero down. Infinity Energy has the lowest financing rates in the industry, and we are here to cater to any unique situation. Our goal is to allow solar to become available to as many people as possible. If you’re worried about your low credit score, we have paired with a program called PACE which stands for Property Asses Clean Energy. This is not based off your credit score and will allow you to have a solar system, and still save money. By having a more consistent bill, you will be able to save money in the long run. According to Energy Sage, customers save between $10,000 to $30,000 over the lifetime of the solar system. Below is a graph explaining your potential savings:


Installing a Battery with Solar Keeps Your Lights on During an Outage: Another benefit of installing solar with a backup battery, is that you will no longer live through another power outage. Instead of having to worry about your food spoiling or loosing internet, you will have the freedom of controlling your own power. Although wildfires and power outages have become a new way of life in California, after installing a backup battery system with your solar panels, you will never have to worry about your power turning off.

Gain Freedom from Utility Company: Lastly, by installing both solar and a backup battery, you will gain freedom from a monopoly utility company. According to Stanford University, “An electric company is a classic example of a natural monopoly. Once the gargantuan fixed costs involved with power generation and power lines is payed, each additional unit of electricity costs very little; the more units sold, the more the fixed costs can be spread, creating a reasonable price for the consumer. Having two electric companies split electricity production, each with their own power source and power lines would lead to a near doubling of price.”

When installing solar, you are still connected to the grid, but you have your own freedom to controlling your power. You will be able to control the efficiency of your solar panels instead of just consuming energy. In addition, you will be able to see when the backup battery is being charged and when it will be at it is at its fullest capacity. This reason for installing solar is priceless. After installing, you will be able to see the productivity of your solar instead of relying on a bigger utility company.

When considering getting solar and a backup battery system, the best option is to talk to a consultant that can help you decide if your home is eligible. To find out more about how solar works, click here. To find out more about how a backup battery works, click here. Infinity Energy offers free energy estimates. To see if installing solar and/or a battery is the right fit for you, fill out our form or call us at 888-244-2513.

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